


“Doremiredes” are coming to Vamvakou and, through a musical-like theatrical structure and the liveliness of a real concert, are continuously changing the setting by transforming it first into a theatrical pandemonium and then into a stage for wild singing and dancing! Six talented musicians-actors are interpreting songs, performing orchestral themes, staging musical improvisations as well as comic sketches and are narrating a beautiful entertaining and moving story on friendship. It is about a music gang consisting of unique personalities, who know how to create, entertain and – mostly – get over any difficulty!

Synopsis: Doremiredes are a marvelous music band, known throughout the world for its ticklish melodies, bouncy rhythms and hilarious lyrics of its songs. Have they always been like this? Of course not! In the beginning, its members had no idea of music and its maestro, FRAZOL, was working as a… chef! So, how did Doremiredes occur? Have they always been friends or did some strange coincidence in time bring them together forever? By shedding light on the past, four awesome stories will take us a long way: to the peaks of a mountain and the depths of a sea, to the alleys of a dodgy town and the dressing rooms of a real circus, as, Doremiredes themselves will share with us their incredible adventures that made them what they are today: the best band in the world!