A very quick massage session which triggers to relieve tension that has accumulated in large body areas such as the upper and center back area as well as upper and lower limbs. We combine targeted massage techniques with kinesiology for muscle relief and better flexibility while gazing at the green landscape and relaxing in a refreshing 20-minute session.

Focus Massage
Contributor Alexia Tseleki
Suitable for Adults
Session Appointment Hours: 16:00-16:30, 16:30-17:00, 17:00-17:30, 17:30-18:00, 18:00-18:30, 18:30-19:00
Maximum Number of Participants: 6
Session Duration: 20 minutes
Book your session at info@vamvakourevival.org or at +30 2731-0-76233
Price: 20 euros