The traditional weaving art of Geraki in Vamvakou

The traditional weaving art of Geraki in Vamvakou

Vamvakou square

The Cultural Society of Geraki, Lakonia unfolds the traditional weaving art with upright looms in Vamvakou.

The Weaving Art Organization, which aims to preserve the traditional art of weaving, has been operating for the last two years in Geraki with 15 trainees. It is worth noting that the local Society has developed an international synergy with UCLA. The weaving art of Geraki has been recognized as part of our intangible cultural heritage. Weaving has also been recorded in the history of Vamvakou, which has been described as a “village of workshops”. Indeed, according to the legend, Vamvakou was named after the wife of a cotton merchant named Vambakias, who arrived in the village from Mystras to escape famine and slavery. Vamvakia’s wife was well-versed in weaving, embroidery and sewing. When she moved to Vamvakou, she set up a cotton trading and processing workshop in her house, where locals worked on cotton ginning.