Vamvakou Mountain Run 7km – Υ+350m. & Relay

Vamvakou Mountain Run 7km – Υ+350m. & Relay

Trails of Vamvakou

A unique mountain run will take place the first Sunday of July on the slopes of Mount Parnon at Lakonia, that will start from and finish at the village of Vamvakou. The sport event is being realized for a second time by Vamvakou Revival, within the framework of the initiative for the revival of the village with the support of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF). The event Vamvakou Mountain Run 2022 includes two routes a) one of 28 kilometers and b) one of 7 kilometers & relay races.

Those interested are invited to register here. It should be noted that Vamvakou Mountain Run does not have a competitive profile, but aims at rewarding participation, achieving familiarization with mountain running and boosting a sports culture. However, official timing will apply on both races, of 28 km and 7 km respectively. Moreover, at 17:00, the closing ceremony of the Run will take place where medals will be awarded to the first three winners of the general rank of each race for both Men and Women. A big concert with Gadjo Dilo will follow.

Supervised by: Ioannis Dimopoulos


During the closing ceremony, medals will be awarded to the first 3 winners of the general rank of race 7 km for both Men and Women. Medals will be also awarded to the groups (Men, Women and Mixed) with the best performance in the relay race.

Brief route description:

1. Starting point: Stathmos Sygkiniseos [Emotion Station], 0 km: 950 m. altitude

2. Logou location, 2nd km: 1,038 m. altitude

3. Agia Kyriaki location, 5th km: 984 m. altitude

4. Finishing point: Stathmos Sygkiniseos [Emotion Station], 7th km: 950 m. altitude

Map of the 7 km route

Graph of altitude throughout the 7 km route

Relative events